Melania Trump, prva dama Združenih držav Amerike, priporoča Američanom, da naj upoštevajo priporočilo ameriškega centra za nadzor in preprečevanje nalezljivih bolezni, ki predvideva uporabo zaščitnih mask.
Take action to slow the spread of #COVID19 by wearing a cloth face covering in public spaces, keeping at least 6 feet of physical distance, & frequently washing your hands.
Make a cloth face covering from a t-shirt, scarf or cloth napkin. Learn more at— CDC (@CDCgov) April 18, 2020
V včerajšnjem tvitu, v katerem je objavila tudi svojo fotografijo z masko, je še opozorila, da uporaba zaščite za obraz ni nadomestilo za ustrezno medsebojno razdaljo.
Greetings to our American seniors. The changes in our everyday lives will not last forever & we will be able to visit with our loved ones soon again. I encourage you to stay in touch, keep your spirits high & remember, all of America is working together to keep you healthy & safe
— Melania Trump (@FLOTUS) April 15, 2020