

Big Season Openning

Big Season Openning

Otvoritev kolesarske sezone 2024!!

🎉 Trenutek, ki smo ga vsi čakali, je skoraj tu! Z veseljem oznanjamo otvoritev celotne kolesarske mreže v Bike parku Pohorje Maribor, s čimer bomo z 9 vznemirljivimi kolesarskimi progami tudi uradno postali največji bike park v Sloveniji!

Doživite vznemirljivi svet gorskega kolesarjenja z raznolikim programom, ki je primeren tako za navdušene gorske kolesarje kot družine, željne novih dogodivščin na dveh kolesih:
👉🏽 Otvoritev 4 novih prog in 3 prenovljenih sekcij
👉🏽 Vodena enduro tura na Areh
👉🏽 Tekmovanji Longest jump in Dual slalom
👉🏽 Test koles in kolesarske opreme
👉🏽 Zabava z DJ-jem do jutranjih ur
👉🏽 Akcijsko fotografiranje na novih progah
👉🏽 In še veliko več!

Več informacij sledi! Imaš zabeleženo v koledarju? 😉
Grand Opening of the 2024 Biking Season!!
🎉 The moment we've all been waiting for is almost here! We're thrilled to announce the grand opening of the entire cycling network at Bike Park Pohorje Maribor, making us officially the largest bike park in Slovenia with 9 thrilling tracks!

Experience the exhilarating world of mountain biking with a diverse program suitable for both avid cyclists and families seeking new adventures on two wheels:
👉🏽 Unveiling of 4 new tracks and 3 revamped sections
👉🏽 Guided enduro tour to Areh
👉🏽 Longest jump and Dual slalom competitions
👉🏽 Test rides of the latest bikes and cycling gear
👉🏽 DJ party lasting until the early hours
👉🏽 Action photo shooting on new tracks
👉🏽 And much more!

Stay tuned for further details! Have you marked your calendar yet?

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